News & Updates :

  • National Philoptochos Society Award $300,博彩平台获拨款1万英镑,用于资讯科技升级及校园改善

    最佳亚洲体育博彩平台圣十字很高兴分享300美元的消息,由国家Philoptochos协会授予的2000美元拨款,用于推进博彩平台和技术基础设施. Philoptochos的支持证明了他们对学生和未来领导者的成长和发展的持续承诺. 我们邀请您在下面的最佳亚洲体育博彩平台稿中探索这个有影响力的礼物的全部细节. New York, NY – September 23, 2024 – The National Philoptochos Society proudly announces a $300,向博彩平台(HCHC)拨款1万英镑,以升级技术和校园设施. Thanks to the generosity of our...

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  • Founders Legacy Society Luncheon

    Annually, 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台圣十字创始人遗产协会欢迎其在世成员到校园参加神圣礼仪和表彰午餐会,以感谢和享受与学校捐助者的友谊,他们将HCHC包括在他们的计划捐赠中. 这让他们有机会亲身体验美丽的HCHC高等教育社区.  The Society also remembered in prayer, 前一年在主里睡了的教会成员:艾琳·克里斯托弗,  James C. Collias,  Photine C. Collias,  James F. Cosakis,  Howard Cramer,  Themis Cramer,  Charles P. Dickson,  Anne Dickson, Spyro J. Gellos,  Alcibiades G. Haris, ...

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  • Seventh Annual Humanities Paper Prize Announcement

    菲利·凯瑟琳·凯彻(Faeli Kathryn Karcher)被提名为今年最佳亚洲体育博彩平台人文论文奖的得主, which is awarded by the Literature and History (LH) program. Faeli, 谁主修文学和历史(文学方向),辅修教育, is expected to graduate in May 2025. Faeli’s paper, “Perfectionist, Revivalist, Extremist: The History of John Noyes and the Oneida Community,这是2024年春天在现代身份的斗争(HIST 2165)中写的,这是一门基础向前核心课程,由Dr. Nicholas Ganson. Her interest in the subject stemmed in part from having grown...

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  • Be Attentive: A Weekend Retreat for Vocational Discernment at HCHC

    Brookline, MA - Hellenic College Holy Cross (HCHC)很高兴地宣布,它将于10月11日至13日在校园里举办第三届“专心”静修活动, 2024. 这个静修是为来自任何东正教管辖区的人设计的,他们正在考虑被任命为牧师. “专心”静修为参与者提供了一个独特的机会,让他们在一个结构化和支持性的环境中探索祭司的职业. Attendees will engage in spiritual reflection, receive guidance from experienced clergy, 并参与讨论,提供更深入的了解生活和按立事工的责任. HCHC invites priests, parish communities and...

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  • Dean Fr. Pentiuc’s Brief Summer Report

    Below are a few spotlights of summer activity of Fr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, Dean of Holy Cross. (1) Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, 新任命的圣十字希腊东正教神学院教务长今年夏天在国外度过.  For the first two weeks, he accompanied Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, Chaplain and Director of St. Helen’s Pilgrimage to Constantinople and Rome. He took this trip to analyze and, along with Fr. 梅尔卡多,为HCHC主席和朝圣的主要捐助者. Helen Carlos. The report will focus on how St. Helen’s Pilgrimage can better allocate...

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  • HCHC Announces the Appointment of Dr. Nicholas Ganson as Interim Dean of Hellenic College

    HCHC is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. 尼古拉斯·甘森担任最佳亚洲体育博彩平台临时院长,2024年7月1日起生效. Dr. Ganson, 一位受人尊敬的学者和最佳亚洲体育博彩平台社区的奉献成员, 能把他丰富的经验和领导力带到这个至关重要的职位上吗. Dr. 甘森是最佳亚洲体育博彩平台历史学副教授和文学与历史项目联合主席. 他也是纽约人寿保险公司本都和小亚细亚希腊文化研究中心的主任. 他的学术之旅以对研究和教学的深刻奉献为标志...

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  • From New Rome to Ancient Rome – St. Helen’s Pilgrimage 2024

    Under the leadership of the Dean of Holy Cross, Fr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, and with the participation of Fr. Philip Zymaris and Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, the faculty and students participating in St. 海伦的朝圣之旅完成了他们前往君士坦丁堡和罗马朝圣的前两个阶段. In Constantinople, 他的全圣洁的普世牧首巴塞洛缪(Bartholomew)接见了他们,向朝圣者致意,并向他们致以他的牧首祝福. Fr. Pentiuc notes, "在我与巴塞洛缪主教的私人会面中, 我转达了美国埃尔皮多弗罗斯大主教阁下和奥巴马总统博士的良好祝愿. Demetrios Katos...

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  • 首届高级表彰午宴,表彰最佳亚洲体育博彩平台2024年学术成就的班级

    On Wednesday May 15, 2024 at 12 pm at the Maliotis Cultural Center’s East Wing, 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台举办了第一届年度表彰午宴,表彰2024届毕业生的学术成就. 该活动由院长办公室和辅导中心共同主办 & Advising Committee of Hellenic College. According to the opening remarks of Dr. Timothy Patitsas, the Interim Dean of Hellenic, “There were three main goals for today’s luncheon: to appreciate our seniors; to celebrate the art of scholarship done well as a good in its own right; and, because we want you, the...

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  • Axios to His Grace Bishop Anthony of Synada

    ( On Saturday, April 20, 2024, 美国红衣主教埃尔皮多弗罗斯在希腊东正教三位一体大主教管区为辛纳达主教安东尼祝圣. Axios! His Grace's family, fellow hierarchs, local clergy, 许多希腊东正教信徒聚集在一起参加这个特殊的任命仪式. 出席会议的主教包括美国前大主教德米特里奥斯, Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church of North, Central and South America, Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, Bishop Theophan of Philomelion, and Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia.  参加仪式的还有科普特东正教会的主教安巴·苏列尔(Anba Suriel)...

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    最佳亚洲体育博彩平台圣十字将再次表彰一对夫妇在教会中的模范远见和领导. 在5月18日即将举行的第82届毕业典礼上,海伦和执政官路易斯·尼科西斯将分别获得圣十字希腊东正教神学院的荣誉博士学位, 2024. 这一学校所能授予的最高荣誉将授予他们,以表彰他们在圣十字和整个大主教管区在传教和传福音领域所产生的影响. Partners in life and service for sixty years, 执政官普基里奥斯·路易斯和海伦·尼科西斯是希腊-美国梦的典范. Faithful Orthodox Christians, they have...

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